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Advantage Tax Inc.

Advantage Tax Client Portal
Upload or download important documents.
Review and E - sign documents.
View your previous year(s) tax return.
IRS Online Account
Access your individual account information including balance, payments, tax records and more.
If you don't have an existing IRS username or account, have your photo identification ready. More information about identity verification is available on the sign-in page.
Check Your Refund Status
IRS Tax Withholding Calculator
<html><form method='Redirect' action= ''><table cellSpacing='0' cellPadding='0' border='0'><tr><td align='right' width='300'></td><td align='left' width='200'><input type='hidden' name='pg_api_login_id' value='192BE1F8DE'/></td></tr><tr><td align='right' width='300'></td><td align='left' width='200'><INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT value='Pay Now'><br></td></tr></table></form></html>
For Original Returns
You will need:​
This calculator is designed to ensure that your employer withholds enough federal taxes.​ It is recommended that you use it periodically throughout the year to ensure that enough taxes are being withheld.​
Social security number or ITIN
Your filing status
Your exact refund amount
For Amended Returns
You will need:​
Social security number or ITIN
Your birthdate
Your zip code
Complete or adjust your W-4(s).
Estimate your current year tax liability.
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